Candice Guardino created a funny and heartwarming solo-show, sharing personal stories and singing iconic songs while impersonating various members of her family. The show includes virtual celebrity appearances from Mario Cantone (Sex & the City), Steve Schirripa (Sopranos), Emmy Award-winner Leslie Jordan, and Vic DiBitetto (Mall Cop). It's much like the nostalgic scent of Sunday dinner!
“Candice Guardino single-handedly proves you can make a one woman show funnier and smarter than almost anything on TV” says
Italian Bred will only perform on Tuesday February 3rd, 10th, and 17th. Opening is set for Tuesday February 3rd at 8pm. Tickets are $25 for general seating and available online at or by phone at (323) 960-7774.
Presenter / Producer: Bull by the Horns Prod.
Listed Categories Comedy > Improv / Stand - up / Sketch
Event Phone: 323-960-7774
Venue Hudson Theatre Mainstage
6539 Santa Monica Boulevard in Hollywood,
Hollywood CA 91601
Regions: LA - Hollywood / Westside
Performance Dates: 2/3/2015 - 2/17/2015
Tuesday, 02/03/2015 Tuesday, 02/10/2015 Tuesday, 02/17/2015
Performance Times Tuesday February 3rd, 10th, and 17th at 8pm
Ticket Information: Tickets are $25 for general seating and available online at or by phone at (323) 960-7774.
Web Link for ticketing
Websites: Event Information
Social Media or other Links: @Italianbredshow - twitter
@Italianbred1 - Facebook